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Secondary Assessments and professional development

Our Secondary School Heads of department (HODs) met last Thursday to discuss various assessment templates used in their subject area and during the professional development day held recently week, secondary School teachers were involved in the development of interdisciplinary units at each MYP grade level to enhance student synthesis and transfer of knowledge across disciplines. 

  • ISD Secondary
First page of the PDF file: ExploreCasamancewithPapisFlyer-2

Do you wan to learn more about the southern culture of Senegal.
Want to visit Casamance? Please contact M. Papis for more information. 

  • ASA Participation Statistics:
    • 117 weekly activities:
      • 63 Elementary activities
      • 27 Secondary activities
      • 38 private music lessons
      • 4 parent activities
  • ISD Athletics
Secondary Play: "You Go Goddess"

We proudly presents You Go, Goddess, a hilarious and empowering play set in Ancient Greece. Follow Calliope as she embarks on a hero’s journey of self-discovery, with the help (and sometimes hindrance) of the Greek gods and goddesses. This story is filled with humor, action, and heart, making it a must-see event for the whole family!

World Culture Country Booth Day

The school will open at 10:00 to the school community, but will be open from 8:00 for people to set up their booths. If you are hosting a booth, it is recommended that someone from your group set up on Friday evening. There will be people at school to assist you with tables, boards, and electricity. 

On Saturday from 10:00 - 14:00, the country booths will be open for everyone to enjoy.